Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How then Shall We Live?

He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8, NRSV)

There are plenty of blogs and other publications that decry our hedonistic culture. To all of them, I can only say Amen and pray that their words are heeded. In this little corner of cyberspace I'd like to look beyond the more obvious challenges and focus on some other nefarious influences. Regina Doman, in an issue of the Caelum et Terra Conversation, writes:
Most of us have experienced a gradual awakening (sometimes a rude awakening) to the fact that some -- in fact, much -- of our modern culture is not seamlessly aligned with that Faith. And I don't merely mean the presence of abortion, pornography, immorality, euthanasia, etc. in our society. I mean the debasement of culture by mass production, the insidious pervasiveness of advertising, the legislated injustices of capitalism upon which most modern lifestyles are built. (my bold -- KBrian)
The heart of the problem is that in rejecting the obvious immorality in the world, we Catholics leave unquestioned many other premises of society that just as assuredly have stifled Catholic family life and culture. Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day wanted to "build a world where it was easier to be good." With the sacramental grace of Marriage I think Catholic Families are especially called to help realize Peter and Dorothy's vision.

To live justly,
love kindness and walk humbly with our God needn't be so damn hard!


friarpaul said...

Glory Alleluia!!!

Alas, a dear brother of Christ is challenging our faith community to look beyond the most obvious affronts to our faith (questions of personal morality--Read, usually sexual sins) and start to focus on an even more far-reaching an insidious attack on the Culture of Life and the Civilization of Love--namely consumerism that is consuming the very heart and soul of the family and Christian culture.
I've read somewhere that about two-thirds of Jesus' teachings and imperatives address having a proper attitude toward money and material possessions. We would just say STUFF. And yet, most Christians seem conspicuously oblivious to Christ's central concern in their moral lives. They feel immense guilt for every peccadillo that may offend the virtue of chastity, and yet then drive off in their SUVs to the mall to spend hours in needless shopping. As a confessor, I can say that I've never, ever heard someone say, "Bless me Father for I have sinned. I bought a bunch of junk I don't need. I wasted money that I could have given to the poor."
Perhaps, if more folks read this blog, we may soon get those kinds of confessions.
I really look forward to reading this blog. BRAVISSIMO BRIAN!!!!

Juniper, a bean farmer said...

Thanks Fr. Paul.

That's a rather incredible observation from the other side of the confessional box. I've heard it said (maybe joked?)often that you only have a couple of months to "shock" a new priest in confession. And yet here you are nine years ordained, and having had an assignment that involved more than an average priests time in the confessional, and a penitent spendthrift would be a brand new thing.
